Registration to
Smögen Symposium on Virology

Registration 21st Smögen Symposium on Virology 2024
August 22-24, 2024
Abstracts should be emailed to Kristina Nystrom ( before May 31 as this year abstracts will be used to select for oral presentations. Abstracts can be maximum one page (Times New Roman, Font 12), and must include title, authors, affiliations, and text. Abstracts that are sent later may not be included in the selection of oral presentations.
Important: please check and follow instructions using the following template: click here
Please note that the prices are per person and includes everything: full accomodation (two nights), breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as buss transport Gbg-Smögen and Smögen-Gbg for those who wish. For those registering for “Bed in shared room (2-4)” guests will be placed at Wallentinska
** KI, Folkhälsomyndigheten, most universities and major hospitals require that invoices contain special purchaser identity codes, account numbers etc., otherwise there will be problems with payment transactions. It is obligatory for confirmed registration that this information is included in the appropriate space.
*** If a non-Swedish institute is the addressee of the invoice, please indicate its European VAT number. Otherwise 25% VAT will be automatically added to the Registration Fee. DO NOT indicate VAT number if a Swedish Institute is the Invoice Addressee; this would complicate automatic handling of the registration.