Welcome to the
Swedish Society for Virology

For all interested in virology
We provide a forum
The Swedish Society for Virology was founded in 2009 to provide a forum for all interested in virology, including clinical, pre-clinical, environmental, veterinary, plant and/or microbial (phage) virology. The aim of the Society is to promote the exchange of information and stimulate discussion and collaboration among scientists active in all aspects of virology.
The Society has from 2020 decided to launch “Pandemifonden” for the purpose of reaching out to the public with information regarding virus infections and pandemics, and also with the aim to raise funding that will strengthen Swedish research within virology, with the long-term goal to hinder pandemic caused by viruses in the future.
The society will present current information regarding upcoming events and meetings, grants, positions, and education opportunities. Contact webmaster if you want to announce for a meeting, positions, courses, jobs etc, that is related to virology.
Latest news
Prizes and Grants:
We are very happy to announce that Dr Benedikt Strunz, and Dr Daniel Sheward, both at Karolinska Institute, have been awarded the 2024 Sigvard Olofsson Prize and Pandemifonden Fenyö Prize, respectively, for their research on viral immunology. We are also happy to announce that Dr Verena Sengpiel, Gothenburg, has been awarded Pandemifonden research grant about viruses affecting children, for her studies on the effects of prenatal exposure to SARS-Cov-2.
Group Leader for innovative research in molecular infection medicine, including research on viruses, at MIMS, Umeå University. Five-year funding with the opportunity to extend up to nine years. For more information see link. Application deadline February 28.
Three positions as WCMM fellow (assistant senior lecturer with tenure track) in Molecular Medicine,
Umeå University. Including six-year position and a 15 million SEK package. For more information see link. Application deadline January 20.‘
Three positions as Clinical WCMM fellow (assistant senior lecturer with tenure track) in Molecular Medicine, Umeå University. Including six-year position and a 17-23 million SEK package. For more information see link. Application deadline January 20.
34th Annual Meeting of the German-speaking Society for Virology (GfV),
Hamburg March 4-7, 2025, including plenary sessions on: Innate Immunity, Structural Virology, Virus–Host Interactions, Viral Data Science and Emerging Viruses/ Zoonoses, and many parallel workshops. For more information, and registration see link. Note! When you login for registration you should tick, under “Membership”, that you are member of SSV. This since the registration fee, both for students and more senior virologists, will be reduced to the same level as for GfV members, as part of the aim to strengthen the cooperation between SSV and GfV.
9 th European Congress of Virology 2025, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 27-30, 2025. For information on the program and registration see link Abstract deadline January 5.